U. S. Premium Beef, LLC 10-K Cybersecurity GRC - 2024-03-11

Page last updated on July 16, 2024

U. S. Premium Beef, LLC reported their cybersecurity risk management and governance process in a yearly 10-K filed on 2024-03-11 10:00:04 EDT.


10-K filed on 2024-03-11

U. S. Premium Beef, LLC filed a 10-K at 2024-03-11 10:00:04 EDT
Accession Number: 0001683168-24-001407

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Item 1C. Cybersecurity.

ITEM 1C. CYBERSECURITY . As part of our information technology needs, we have contracted with National Beef to provide certain equipment and services related to telephone systems, servers, network access, desktop and end-user support, and back-office equipment support. Inherent in the services provided by National Beef are its efforts to assess, identify and manage risks from cybersecurity threats related to the specific equipment and services it provides us. We have no independent internal processes for addressing cybersecurity threats and have not integrated any processes provided by National Beef in assessing, identifying and managing risks from cybersecurity threats into our overall risk management system; however, we do receive monthly reports from National Beef on user access changes to our electronic accounting file share folder. We are not aware of any risks from cybersecurity threats or previous cybersecurity incidents (and we are not aware of any) that have materially affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect us, our business strategy, results of operations or financial condition. The Board of Directors oversight of risks from cybersecurity threats has been limited to authorizing the engagement of National Beef to provide the information technology equipment and services described above. Management’s role in assessing and managing our risks from cybersecurity risks has similarly been limited to the engagement of National Beef to provide information technology equipment and services. If National Beef were to inform us of a cybersecurity incident, that incident would be reported to the Board of Directors if material in nature.

Company Information

NameU. S. Premium Beef, LLC
SIC DescriptionAgricultural Prod-Livestock & Animal Specialties
CategoryNon-accelerated filer
Smaller reporting company
Fiscal Year EndDecember 29